Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Guatemala 2015? "Let us not grow weary . . ."

June 24, 2015

Dear friends,

Those who know me well know that I love thrift stores. I have a few favorites and because I shop there regularly, I have gotten to know some of the staff and they to know me. They know I am a teacher and they know I have summers off. They also know that I go to Guatemala each summer. Yesterday I had a few minutes to stop at one of my regulars. The store manager was working and remarked that I must be off school because I looked more rested than he had seen me in a long time. I admit that made me chuckle. I have felt very weary lately and actually considered NOT going to Guatemala this summer. God had other plans for me. Just as I thought I had made the decision to skip this year, I found myself drawn to Galatians 6:9, "Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." After that, I could not get away from this message. My pastor preached it, the worship leader chose music about it, and my principal chose morning devotions with this message. But, I thought that I had all my reasons lined up – all the reasons that I am tired – all the reasons to take a summer off.

Since August of 2013, I have lost a younger cousin, three very close friends and, just last week, my uncle -- my father's only sibling. My dear companion, Riker, crossed the Rainbow Bridge last October and we have lost three of our four original series cats. My mother is in poor health and we are concerned for her. My “nest” emptied for real and one of my daughters was in a car accident (not her fault). Not long after that, I hydroplaned in another daughter’s car and totaled it. In addition I have been writing curriculum for the classes I teach at Cary Christian School while trying to keep up with other required reading not to mention grading papers. All these things together made me feel that I should skip a summer. Yet, that was not God’s plan for me and He continued to nudge – actually push -- me. He made a way for me to buy a ticket for a good price long after the time for good prices had past. I can tell that Satan is continuing his attempt to discourage me. I have struggled with my health for six weeks. As a result, I have lost some of the vision in one of my eyes. And yet, God continues to remind me not to grow weary. He is my strength and comfort.

So, I am going to Guatemala! In fact, I leave this Friday (June 26th)! But, I still need to raise about $1,200 in support. I have a ticket but I owe funds for it.  I am so far behind but God continues to confirm that He is calling me back to Guatemala.

I will be working with two teams in Huehuetenango. One of the teams generally serves with Edwin Martinez's sister, Delmi, and her husband, Carlos. They want to know the Martinez family ministry from Edwin's point of view. The second team is from Kalamazoo, Michigan. They are not a specifically Christian group but are led by Rob who brings groups from his church youth every other year. I enjoy working with Rob and his groups and look forward to this one as well.

I am also very excited to return to the community of Arenal. This precious group has had many serous trials lately. Last summer all three of their crops failed. They are subsistence farmers as it is. The loss of the crops was devastating and threatened the entire village. I am grateful that my sending church, Christ Our Redeemer PCA (COR), was able to send funds to purchase beans and rice for them. This was made possible in part from your support from last year.  Just recently I was overjoyed to see that a group was able to roof the new church building in Arenal. It has been sitting for several years waiting for funds to roof it.  This new facility will significantly expand ministry there. I have included two pictures of the church below.

As I was about to speak to my church group recently, I prepared to read Galatians 6:9 as part of my testimony. That's when I “just happened” to read verse 10, "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." God tells me not to grow weary -- and I am challenging those who have supported me in the past, or who are called to support me this year, with verse 10. This is an opportunity to do good not only to me but through me to the people I will serve in Guatemala. It’s not too late!

I covet your prayer support.  Prayer is the most important support you can give me but the fact remains that I need the financial support as well. If God is leading you to contribute financial support, there are steps that must be followed for your contribution to be tax deductible.

Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law and you will receive a report of all charitable contributions in January 2016, as long as you follow these steps:
  • Checks should be made to Christ Our Redeemer PCA.
  • On the memo line write, “Guatemala Ministry." Please do not write my name on the memo line. Checks with specific names on the memo line cannot be accepted and will be returned.
  • Mail donation directly to:
Guatemala Ministry
Christ Our Redeemer PCA
131 Castlefern Drive
Cary, NC  27513

I look forward to what God has in store for me in Guatemala this summer – He wants me there and continues to confirm it. He has a ministry for me. Thank you for being part of my ministry team!

En manos de la gracia!
In the Hands of grace!
Angela Kennedy

Working on the roof in Arenal

The newly roofed church. The building to the right is where this congregation has worshiped for many years.
In La Antigua Guatemala, even McDonald’s has a beautiful garden. I couldn’t resist the opportunity for a cheesy photo.

Neither could the interns!